The ultimate target of this coin is 4/6➕, are you optimistic about it?

[Supplementary analysis of the popular token ZK on 2024.3.29]

① After buying low at 2.65 and 2.53 in the past few days, this currency has basically stabilized at a rate of return of 30%+. This currency has a strong background and is the leader linking the web2 and web3 worlds. It is somewhat similar now to 2018. With the With the rise of L2, web3, and more public chains, the demand for cross-chains will greatly increase. As a technical level, ZK can compete with OP, arb, etc., but it seems that it has not attracted enough attention from the market. However, Lao Zhao and Lao Xu has already invested in multiple rounds of angel rounds, and it will only be a matter of time before he joins An'an!

②Support 2.5/2.65-2.73/2.8-2.87/2.965-3.1, the ultimate goal is 4/6+

③For those who did not catch the 2.53/2.65 train, I think 2.73/2.85/2.965/3.05 can still place orders and buy low in the middle line. If given the chance, there is still the expectation of doubling!

④ Control the position at 3-50%. The currency is a good currency, it depends on whether you can hold it. If you can withstand the retracement, you will definitely make excess profits! If you put it in the mid-term or long-term cycle, this coin will surely fill your pockets!

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