Blockchain Liangqiu: 3.28 Bitcoin/Ethereum evening operation strategy analysis

Bitcoin/Ethereum once again fluctuated up and down. We planned to place short orders in the early trading. As a result, the market kept rising. There was not much room for retracement. The short orders had no choice but to wipe out the losses. The current market is once again around 3580 and 70700. , the overall trend has swept away the decline, and the special pie has directly pulled back all the losses last night. Like this kind of market that pushes the pin downward and then pulls up, another wave of rise is expected in the evening.

From a four-hour perspective, Ethereum has also directly pulled up, breaking through the middle track of the Bollinger Bands and extending upward. Follow-up attention will be given to the 3680 first-line suppression at the top, and the 3550 first-line support from the bottom to the top-to-bottom transition. In the evening, long orders can be withdrawn to enter the market. The same is true for Bitcoin. , pay attention to the support of the 70,000 first-line integer mark. On the trend, the bulls in the white market continue to exert force, and the decline last night quickly pulled up, without breaking the important support of 68,000. In the near future, there will still be long and short alternations around the 70,000 integer mark, but the volatility will be much greater.

After the retracement in the evening operation, multiple orders entered the market. Bitcoin multiple orders entered the market near 70,000 to 70,300, with a target near 71,500; Ethereum multiple orders entered the market, near 3,540 to 3,560, with a target near 3,630. Posting is time-sensitive, market fluctuations are large, and more strategies are based on real-time guidance. #BTC #ETH