According to the Keeper Security Insight 2024 report, cyberattacks using AI are increasing, forcing many organizations to quickly change their defense strategies.

The report said that more than 90% of IT security professionals witnessed an increase in cyber attacks, with AI becoming the most dangerous new threat. For the first time, more than 50% of people surveyed said AI attacks are the most difficult challenge to prevent.

According to the report, the rise of AI tools has also significantly increased the sophistication and reliability of cyber attacks. Phishing is the top common attack method, affecting 61% of organizations, followed by malware (59%), ransomware (49%), and password attacks (38%).

The report also highlights a worrying trend: the direct financial impact of cyberattacks. 73% of respondents reported experiencing attacks that resulted in cash loss, highlighting a variety of consequences, from financial loss to long-term reputational damage.

More worryingly, today's organizations are not really ready to deal with new threats. They are lacking innovative security measures to defend against complex AI (35%) and deepfake (30%) attacks. This shows that organizations are not fully aware of the risk of attacks from AI.

The report is also considered a wake-up call for organizations about the importance of upgrading cybersecurity defense systems to cope with increasingly sophisticated threats.