Ethereum-based currencies are performing poorly. Is it still worth holding in this bull market? ? ?

Recently, eth and related l2 have not performed very well. Many people have no confidence in arb, op, strk and even eth. They asked me if they can change positions. Let me tell you my experience.

In the last bull market, even though eth was very large, it still outperformed most of its competitors on the public chain, and even severely rubbed the most popular EOS, while uni also dominated all defi projects and never looked back. It lasted for 5 months. Obviously, this bull market has not yet felt the same thrill as the last time.

Since October 2023, when it was confirmed that the bull market has arrived, eth’s growth cannot beat Bitcoin, which has a larger market value than its own, and it is far from outperforming the new Solana. In this bull market, BTC has ETF bonuses and inscription assistance, and it is full of momentum;

The share of Solana’s head defi continues to rise, and the popularity of memes has taken away the focus that was originally thought to belong to the second-layer network of Ethereum. Any new project or meme that just came out can easily surpass aave and twt, which have been in operation for 5-6 years: while the NFT market of Ethereum has not shown any improvement, and has been taken over by BTC, NFT and Solana’s NFT. Share, eden has now nominally surpassed our blur, becoming the number one nft exchange in the overall market; Solana's Jupiter even exceeded uniswap in daily trading volume several times in March. Click on the main leaf to follow the public account: Bi Fangshe, free skirt ban

Are we wrong? I guess this is what most circle members often ask themselves when they see other people’s projects skyrocketing.

If we look back and think about it, why haven't we become like this? We will no longer discuss whether what Uniswap does next has a more long-term vision and leading advantages. We don't care about how big the changes its V4 will bring, we just care about it. Can you pull the market quickly in a short period of time so that we can sell it and leave?

Some people say that we are speculating, so don’t take it too seriously. What we care about is the increase and the currency price. If you are just going to speculate on a certain project, it will be almost impossible to hold on if it increases by 50%, and uni is like this "Stupid Bird" has increased from 3.8 to 17, but we all still firmly believe that this is far from the end. This is the difference.

Only these projects that combine narrative + technology + actual user needs have a higher ceiling and a higher and more stable market value ranking.I believe verification will begin in the next few months. There are funds that like short-term speculation, and there are also funds that like to be long-term investors, so there is no need to rush.

Patience, patience, patience, it is always darkest before dawn. I think it will be our turn soon.

I've finished writing, come on.