The Altcoin card game will turn upside down in the coming days, the goal of Market Marker will be clarified 🎯
#Wintermuteborrowed 132.79M $USDC from #MarkerDao: USDC Lending Pool in the past 2 days, this $USDC amount has been transferred to #Coinbase, #Binance
Going a little deeper, when Altcoin rekt 20-30% the day before was also the time when#Wintermuteborrowed the most $USDC => This amount of $USDC has been used to collect Altcoin and will continue to push in the coming days. next
Because this is the amount of borrowed stablecoin, it forces#Wintermuteto be careful with their steps.#Wintermutechooses the time when they are rekt to borrow, not setting up rekt in advance like they usually do to reduce the risk as much as possible.
On the contrary, this is a very good thing because this will force them to push up the price of Altcoin immediately, so it will be very difficult for Altcoin to have 20-30% declines like the previous days.
Previously,#MarkerDaoadded $USDC in the Lending Pool to be ready for large entities to borrow $USDC and#Wintermutewas the team that stood out to borrow this $USDC =>#MarkerDaowithdrew $USDC from storage to lend to#Wintermuteto collect and push up Altcoin prices
Flow Wintermute borrows USDC to push Altcoin
🎙🎙🎙 🔵 🎙🎙🎙