

What does Le Quy Don have to do with Blockchain?

This year is 2024, many Bitcoin ETFs have been approved and the Blockchain industry is also experiencing important development milestones over the past 15 years. Ethereum with the Dencun update and the Layer2 ecosystem are growing rapidly. Although Bitcoin and Bitcoin Layer2 joined late, they still brought fresh and vibrant winds to the entire Blockchain space.

But not everyone knows what Blockchain is. When I have to explain Blockchain to people I know, I often use the following anecdote about Le Quy Don's extraordinary memory.

"One day, Le Qui Don came to visit Ly Truong's house and saw on the table a book containing the names of people who owed taxes. He opened it and saw that some were owed five or seven measures of rice, and some were a few denars of money. Not long after, Ly Truong's house was arrested. burned to ashes, the tax debt book was also destroyed. When meeting him, Ly Truong complained that he did not know where to look to ask for money. He read it again from beginning to end so he could copy it down. Ly Truong did not dare to decide, but Until I followed the book to collect the debts, it was all right, no one complained, then I believed it."

In a simple way, the tax book is the blockchain with 2 nodes ;)). A Fullnode - or the original tax book - resides with Ly Truong so he can add and edit. A lightnode is located in Le Quy Don's head, this is the copy that saved Ly Truong when his notebook burned.

Blockchain in reality has thousands of such copies. And this is also the reason why data in Blockchain becomes immortal.