$BTC $ETH $BNB Today’s assets are 1.57 million.

Even if most people know that the big bull market is coming, most people will not be able to hold on to it, and as time goes by, the market will continue to swing, and each time it retreats, it will cut off the meat and rise to chase the high. Although the assets will still rise to a certain extent before the bull market ends, the money in their hands will still rise. The number of coins has been decreasing, but it has not been able to escape from the top. The moment it turned bearish, the assets shrank significantly. On the contrary, they always feel that they have touched the pattern this time and grasped it, but then they find that the same pattern does not work anymore. The previous fluctuations rose, and the assets would always increase a little bit, but from then on it would not be the same. Instead of fluctuating up, it fluctuated down, and the funds in the account became less and less. So the question is, can these people wait until the next bull market? Even if they can hold it, these people don’t have Bitcoin in their hands. They are often copycats, and they are often not high-quality copycats. I thought I had realized my wisdom and wanted to wait for the next bull market to recoup my capital or even turn around. Later, I found that the currency I bought did not last through the bear market and immediately went cold. This is the tragedy of most retail investors. Their cognition cannot keep up, their character is not good, and their emotions are easily influenced by the market.

You have to know that most of the people shouting up and down in the market are the same people as you. If you were the banker, would you cut off the majority or the minority? Good choice, right? So what is the situation of some people? That’s right, contract users. If we say that 60-70% of retail investors lose money in the bull market. Then 99.9% of contract users lose money. You read that right. That’s it. You can win 100 times, but as long as a big one comes, the position will be liquidated and returned to zero. So, is it useful to have a high contract winning rate?

Please hold your coins in the bull market. If you don’t know which ones to buy, you can join me in the comment area of ​​the pinned article. What the banker is most afraid of is not people with ideas, but people who can't wash the market after taking high-quality coins. I have many 5x coins, and many coins that are still costing or even slightly losing money, but I will never reduce my position until it is more than tripled. 2 times of 3 times is 9 times, 3 times is 27 times, not to mention bull market, 10 times Is total assets really difficult? Men keep your hands.

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