The L2 network Mode invested by OP will be airdropped in April 2024! !

The airdrop will be divided into several rounds. The total amount of MODE tokens is 10 billion. The first round of airdrops will be 5.5% (that is, 550 million tokens). Activate your wallet to get OG basic points. The basic points can be obtained by (active users of the first layer network, OP, BASE and other second-layer network active users). It is recommended that you activate your old wallet! This way you can get more OG basic points

The relevant operation process is as follows:

Step 1: Open the MODE website, website link:, link your wallet (ok wallet, Little Fox wallet, im wallet, etc.)

Step 2:

①You need to fill in the invitation code, the invitation code is as follows: DqVo8c

②Bind Twitter (friends with many Twitter accounts can activate multiple accounts)

③ On the eth chain, transfer ETH to the Mode chain, first transfer 10-100u worth of eth to activate the account, and the system will give initial points based on the previous data of the wallet, that is, OG basic points (points can be exchanged for airdrops later)

Step 3: How to get points

① Use the built-in cross-chain function on Mode's official website to cross-chain. The more ETH you cross-chain, the more points you will get (crossing from the first layer to the second layer)

② Use it on the website designated by the official website (swap, pledge, LP pool). There are many new platforms recently, and you can kill two birds with one stone by using several platforms!

One fish, many meals platform:

1. RENZO re-pledge project, financing tens of millions, potential airdrops in the future, website link:

Process: Exchange eth to ezEth. It is recommended to have more than 0.1 eth. The successfully exchanged ezETH can be used to stake in another dapp in mode. You can also participate in the future airdrop of the platform!

You can get MODE score, RENZO re-staking platform score, Eigenlayer re-staking platform score (one fish, three meals a day)

2. IONCI staking platform (potential airdrop in the future), the largest staking platform on the MODE network, you can stake the ezEth that was successfully exchanged in the first step on this platform, and you can get MODE points and IONCI platform points at the same time (kill two birds with one stone)

3. Kim interactive platform (SWAP and LP), the platform has score statistics (potential airdrops in the future),

Related operation ① (SWAP function can be used to brush points): Use ETH to exchange into USDT or USDC, brush back and forth several times. If you have a lot of bullets and don’t mind the loss, you can brush unlimitedly. From my personal experience, the loss of each exchange is about 5-8u. The score will be refreshed on March 29.

Related operation ② (LP pool): According to the LP pool on the platform, pledge the relevant token combination LP. After staking, interest, mode points, and Kim platform points will be generated (kill two birds with one stone)

4. MODE NS (network ID registration). Currently, there is a reduction in the fee for registering an ID on the MODE network. The ID name is 7 digits or longer in English, and the cost is 5u. After successfully registering the ID, you can get MODE points

I hope the editor can help you increase your fiscal revenue! Like and collect!