The market is like a rough ocean, and we are like a ship, facing the ups and downs of the voyage. Sometimes the weather is calm, and we ride the wind and waves and move forward smoothly; sometimes there are strong winds and huge waves, and we face challenges, but we still stick to our faith. But no matter what happens, we will move forward firmly to meet every challenge. Overall review of the day's flight conditions, today's Buju made me a little disappointed. From morning to noon, we were given short selling tips and quickly chose to go short after the end of Dodan Buju. Subsequently, the price index showed a slow upward trend, and there was a strong rise to around 71,700 at noon. This wave of rise also caused us to lose nearly 900 points. From the afternoon to the evening, the price comparison went through fierce competition between the long and short parties. In the end, the short sellers gained the upper hand, and the price comparison went down. Currently, the price comparison has stabilized around 70,000. During the day, we placed a total of 4 more and 3 empty oranges on the orange pie, gaining a total of more than 3490 points. The bamboo shoots dropped one pill, which totaled 900 points. My aunt placed a total of 2 more and 2 empty oranges, and gained a total of more than 160 points. Remember, in this market, all roads are full of unknowns, but it is this unknown that gives endless possibilities. If you feel confused and doubtful, you may wish to explore the laws of the market with me and meet every challenge with a positive attitude. Only through wind and rain can we encounter a more brilliant rainbow

Judging from the daily structure, the price ratio maintained its upward trend and broke through the previous high in the short term. Although the bulls have experienced fierce competition in the process, this competition has consolidated the overall shape and structure of the bulls. Judging from the structure of the small cycle, there is a high probability that the bullish rebound will be the main one at midnight. The key to the rebound lies in whether the bulls can stabilize at the 70,000 mark. It can also be seen that the correction in the evening did not have a significant impact on the overall trend of the bulls, so all subsequent retracements can be regarded as a correction method by the bulls. So for the market outlook, we still have confidence in the bulls and will focus on the bulls.

The pie is around 70,000-69,800, with a target of 72,000

The aunt is around 3570-3560 and the target is 3690#BTC #ETH