I have known the Red God for a long time, and after watching this scene, I really have a lot to say. This circle is too close to money, and all kinds of human unbearableness are infinitely magnified here.

Why did he withdraw from the circle? He said he was frustrated and why there was such a withdrawal ceremony. It was because he was not willing to give up two years of hard work.

I think it is necessary to analyze this matter for everyone, not for anything else, but to prevent my friends from being unjustly accused and persecuted. It can also be regarded as a lament for the death of a rabbit and a fox.

Hongshen and VT know each other because of the RATS community. Everyone is a community builder. Of course, there are many other builders like Xia Xueyi and Kai Ge.

So why was Hongshen the only one to be persecuted this time? Because he has the most fans and the greatest influence. When VT started this project, it left messages to many KOLs, asking them to help support it.

Some people think that the relationship is average and they don't care about it, while others think that it's just a blessing from a friend. Hongshen is obviously the latter.

There are many screenshots of Hongshen on the Internet, but we can see which screenshots show Hongshen saying that this project is good. Did you see such words? Obviously not, and this kindness was perfectly exploited.

From the moment the project started and only 20% of the coins were added to the pool, a bunch of accounts suddenly appeared and started to lead the discussion, saying that Hongshen and VT were colluding to commit fraud. Later, almost no one was scolding VT, and everyone started to scold Hongshen. It seemed that everyone had forgotten who the real project owner was. It must be said that this wave of water army played well.

The masses who were unaware of the truth began to follow the trend, regardless of whether they had heard of Hongshen before. Then at this time everyone saw that cursing Hongshen brought traffic, so a large number of KOLs with relatively small number of fans came out and frantically relied on cursing Hongshen to get traffic.

When the project goes up, the project owner is awesome. When the project goes down, Hongshen is cheating people. Please ask yourself a question: Has Hongshen ever said, "This project is good, I recommend it, let's go for it?" When I talked to Hongshen, he said he was under a lot of pressure. Although he had been cyberbullied several times before, this was the first time he had encountered such an organized and premeditated frame-up.

He said that he is in China and will never leave. If he participated in this project in any way, and if he took a dime from VT, he is willing to accept legal sanctions and the supervision of the entire network. Since the number of fans has increased, he has been very cautious, but he does not want to be harmed intentionally.

I say this just to lament that the one who was framed today was Hongshen, and tomorrow it could be you or me. I hope those cyber bullies would think carefully about this: does your involvement in this project really have anything to do with Hongshen?

Comrades, please open your eyes. This circle is full of truth and falsehood. It is most important to protect your own property. Comrades in the Mouse Community, do not be used by those with ulterior motives. Those who use their influence to issue coins and raise funds are almost all scammers. It is better to build the community well if you have this intention. If you really want to do a good job, you might as well use the raised funds to pull up the Mouse. There are many people who fish in troubled waters. Please cherish yourself and protect your chips. The big bull market is still to come. Without chips, you will not be able to have this bull market.

I remind you again and again, do not hand over your assets to unrestrained people, because the cost of committing crimes for them is too low. Human nature is greedy, and if they are not restrained, they can run away at any time, do you understand?

I focus on trading analysis and rarely make excuses for anything. I have said so much this time out of inspiration. Comrades, please be more careful!#Fet
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