In the currency circle, there is a person whose name has been mentioned by countless people, he is "Brother 480,000".

He bought 100 Bitcoins with 480,000 and started a live broadcast on Baidu Bitcoin Tieba. However, he was out before the dawn of sudden wealth and lost tens of millions or even billions of wealth.

His story is not only a tragic drama, but also an inspirational drama and an educational drama. This article will review the experience and mental journey of this legendary figure from the following aspects, as well as his influence and inspiration on Erquan.

The starting point of Brother 480,000

Brother 480,000’s real name is unknown, but based on his speech on Tieba, some of his background information can be inferred. He is an ordinary office worker with a wife who loves him and a lovely daughter. He and his wife had been saving money together for seven or eight years to buy a house. He is interested in Bitcoin but does not have much knowledge or experience. He is an impulsive and persistent man, with the mentality and courage of a gambler.

Brother 480,000 bought Bitcoin on January 28, 2014. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was about 4,800 yuan. He used the 480,000 yuan that he and his wife had saved for seven or eight years to buy 100 Bitcoins, and opened a post on Baidu Bitcoin Post Bar with the title "I bought 100 Bitcoins with 480,000 yuan." ". He said in the post: "I don't know if this is the right decision, but I believe that Bitcoin will have a lot of room for development. I want to turn the down payment into a full payment, and even earn a car payment. I will My coin speculation process is live broadcast here. Everyone is welcome to pay attention and guidance. This post quickly attracted the attention and discussion of other users in the Tieba. Some people supported him, some opposed him, some encouraged him, some laughed at him. Some said he was a warrior. , some say he is a fool, some say he is a leek, some say he is a whale. In short, Brother 480,000 has become one of the hottest topics in Tieba.

The process of Brother 480,000

After Brother 480,000 started his live broadcast, he began his long and tortuous road of currency speculation. In the process, he experienced the ups and downs of the Bitcoin market, as well as the changes and challenges in his own mentality. He has been happy and sad; he has persevered and wavered; he has made profits and suffered losses. The following are some representative remarks he made in Tieba:

February 7, 2014: "Bitcoin fell sharply today, from more than 5,600 to more than 4,800. I still don't plan to sell it. I believe it will rise back." (The highest price that day was 5,636 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,800 yuan. Yuan)

February 12, 2014: "Bitcoin rose a little bit today, from more than 4,500 to more than 4,700. I still don't plan to sell it. I believe it will rise more." (The highest price that day was 4,720 yuan, the lowest price Price 4500 yuan)

February 15, 2014: "Bitcoin fell a little bit again today, from more than 4,700 to more than 4,600. I still don't plan to sell it. I believe it will rebound." (The highest price that day was 4,719 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,600 yuan. Yuan)

. February 22, 2014: "Bitcoin has risen a lot today, from more than 4,600 to more than 5,000. I still don't plan to sell it, I believe it will rise higher." (The highest price that day was 5,028 yuan, the lowest price 4601 yuan)

. February 25, 2014: "Bit fell a lot today, from more than 5,000 to more than 4,000. I still don't plan to sell it, I believe it will stop falling. (The highest price that day was 5,019 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,000 yuan)

. March 3, 2014: "Bitcoin has risen a lot today, from more than 4,000 to more than 4,400. I still don't plan to sell it. I believe it will break through 5,000." (The highest price that day was 4,439 yuan and the lowest price was 4,001 yuan. )

. March 4, 2014: "Bitcoin rose more today, from more than 4,400 to more than 4,900. I still don't plan to sell, I believe it will break through 6,000." (The highest price that day was 4,919 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,438 yuan. Yuan)

. April 4, 2014: "Bitcoin fell a little bit today, from more than 4900 to more than 4800. I still don't plan to sell, I believe it will break through 7000." (The highest price that day was 4918 yuan, the lowest price was 4801 Yuan)

. April 26, 2014: "Bitcoin fell a lot today, from more than 4,800 to more than 4,200. I have no confidence anymore and I feel like I have failed. (The highest price that day was 4,801 yuan and the lowest price was 4,201 yuan)

It can be seen from these remarks that Brother 480,000 has always maintained an optimistic attitude and a firm belief in the process of currency speculation. He believes that Bitcoin’s price is just a temporary fluctuation, not a long-term trend. He believes that the price of Bitcoin will continue to rise, rather than continue to fall. He thought his investment would pay off, rather than end in vain. He never gave up on his goals and dreams. However, in the process, he also encountered many difficulties and challenges. He not only has to face market changes and risks, but also family pressure and doubts. Not only did he have to endure the shrinkage and loss of his assets, he also had to endure psychological suffering and torture. He not only has to endure ridicule and ridicule from the outside world, but also endures inner conflicts and entanglements.

Brother 480,000 also revealed some of his personal information in the forum. He said he did not tell his wife that he had bought Bitcoin, but instead lied about saving the money. He said he felt like he was going to collapse every time he saw the price of Bitcoin drop. He said he felt like he was going to die every time he heard his wife say she wanted to buy a house. He said that every time he saw his daughter's cute smiling face, he felt like he was going to cry. Brother 480,000 did not get any harm to his family during the currency speculation process. Brother 480,000 did not receive support and understanding from his family during the currency speculation process, but instead brought a lot of pain and trouble to his family. His wife never knew that he used the house payment to buy Bitcoin, but was deceived and concealed by him. His daughter never had a stable and warm home, but was ignored and neglected by him. His parents never had a son who was at ease and assured, but was dragged down and worried by him. Brother 480,000 also lamented in the forum. He said that he felt sorry for his family. He said that he wanted to give his family a good life, but he pushed his family into the abyss.

3. The end point of Brother 480,000

After Brother 480,000 bought Bitcoin, he has stuck to his beliefs and goals and has not sold any Bitcoin. He has been updating his speculation situation in Tieba, and sharing his joys, sorrows and joys with other users. However, on May 6, 2014, this post suddenly stopped being updated. From that day on, Brother 480,000 never appeared in Tieba again. What happened to him? Where did he go? Did he sell it? These questions have been bothering other users in the Tieba.

Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have chosen to commit suicide or escape because he could not bear the pressure due to the continued decline in the price of Bitcoin. Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have chosen to divorce or break up because his wife discovered that he had bought Bitcoin, which made him unable to face his family. Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have made a profit due to the rebound in Bitcoin prices, and chose to sell or disappear. Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have been unable to continue to speculate in coins due to other reasons and chose to give up or transfer. However, these are just speculations without any evidence or clues. Brother 480,000 disappeared into the Tieba like a mystery. He left behind an unfinished story and a question that can never be answered: Where would he be now if he hadn't sold Bitcoin?

4. The influence and inspiration of Brother 480,000

The story of Brother 480,000 caused a sensation in Tieba, became a favorite story in the currency circle, and became popular on the Internet. He became a legend and an educational case. He has brought us a lot of influence and inspiration. We can summarize from the following aspects:. Impact on investors. The story of Brother 480,000 provides investors with a vivid and real example, allowing investors to see the scenery and risks of the cryptocurrency market, and also allowing investors to see their own advantages and disadvantages. Investors can learn some investment knowledge and skills from Brother 480,000, and they can also reflect on some investment mentality and principles from Brother 480,000. Investors can get some encouragement and motivation from Brother 480,000, and they can also get some warnings and lessons from Brother 480,000.

The impact on the market, the story of Brother 480,000 provides the market with an interesting and meaningful topic, allowing the market to see the diversity and vitality of the cryptocurrency market, and also allowing the market to see the problems and improvements in the cryptocurrency market. The market can feel some market emotions and expectations from Brother 480,000, and can also discover some market opportunities and potential from Brother 480,000. The market can learn some market experience and lessons from Brother 480,000, and it can also inspire some market innovation and development from Brother 480,000.

Impact on society. The story of Brother 480,000 provides the society with a fascinating and thought-provoking story, which allows the society to see the charm and challenges of the cryptocurrency society, and also allows the society to see the value and responsibility of the cryptocurrency society. The society can understand some of the characteristics and laws of the cryptocurrency society from Brother 480,000, and it can also understand some of the confusion and expectations of the cryptocurrency society from Brother 480,000. Society can support the progress and contributions of some cryptocurrency societies from Brother 480,000, and can also supervise some risks and norms of cryptocurrency society from Brother 480,000. In short, the story of Brother 480,000 is an extraordinary story and an enlightening story. It shows us the struggles and dreams of an ordinary person in the cryptocurrency market, and it also shows us the failures and regrets of an ordinary person in the cryptocurrency market. It provides us with a window to observe and learn from the cryptocurrency market, and also provides us with a mirror to reflect on and improve the cryptocurrency market. It brought us some laughter and tears, as well as some thinking and enlightenment. It is a story worth remembering and celebrating, and a story worth learning from and being vigilant about. It is a story that belongs to Brother 480,000 and a story that belongs to all of us.

It is harder to keep money than to be widowed.

Someone online wrote about this

5. Daily behavioral norms for currency keepers,

1. Don’t stop working. It doesn’t take too much time to invest. You have to find something to do.

People who invest full-time often make little money.

2. Have a stable source of income and stable cash flow

Only when you face ups and downs can you stay calm. The collapse can last for years, and people without stable income are prone to nervous breakdown.

3. Reserve grain for the winter. A sudden drop in grain will hit you at any time, so you need to prepare grain for the winter in the next few years. In addition to being strong-willed, a qualified currency keeper also needs to have sufficient capital.

4. Be diligent and frugal and maintain family harmony.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.” Excessive cost of living may eventually become the culprit for your inability to hold on to money. Of course, you must keep enough money for your family. This is the most painful lesson of “Brother 480,000”. Didn’t get it Family support can be very stressful

5. Investment is actually survival from the battlefield

When skydiving, don't jump to crowded places. After landing, don't go around fighting with people (short-term, futures). Hide after picking up basic supplies. If you can be obscene, just lie down on the ground. Don't be afraid of being laughed at as LYB.

In the end, even if you can't eat the chicken, your ranking won't be too bad.

On the big stage of the currency circle,

Once you enjoy getting rich overnight, you will never forget the shortcuts again. The digital currency craze has created a human stage where greed, fear, and the collapse of faith are happening all the time. Enter the industry early, understand technology, and have connections

There is no guarantee that you will get out of this situation 100% safe and sound.

What will happen to Bitcoin in the future?

Only the future will tell.

Only when you can afford to lose can you afford to speculate.