#TON #Catizen #HotTrends

In the past two weeks, when group friends recommended TON, the price was around US$2.9;
It had already risen 10% that day, and I thought I would wait for a correction before taking a look, but the next time I paid attention, the price was $3.9.

Today, the price of TON is $5.3, and it is rising very fast.

Some people are doing swings. If they can seize the opportunity, 2 times is 2 weeks.
But most people can only see opportunities from the K-line trend later.

There are many tokens that have doubled entering 2024,
If you can be a friend of time, long-term holders can also make good profits.

BTC last year was more than 20,000, and today it is more than 60,000, more than 2 times the profit, and the risk is relatively small.

TON current price is $5.3

If you don’t grasp the band income, there are also friends who play zero games.

In the past two days, the Telegram mini-game Catizen has been online for 3 days and has more than 500,000 users.

The gameplay of the cat petting mini-game is to bring cats of the same level together to superimpose and upgrade them. Upgrade the cats. The higher the level of the cat, the more gold coins you will earn.

Project introduction: In the future, 35% of the tokens will be airdropped to ecological users and early game players.

After Catizen goes online, it spreads quickly, and each user can receive additional rewards by sharing the link and inviting friends.

But zero-playing is really not a good job. Playing the cat-playing game is almost blind before you upgrade to level 18, and the future income is unknown. Zero-playing does take a lot of time and energy.

Cat licking gameCatizen

There are also some players who interact and make airdrops.

There are often dozens or hundreds of accounts, and account interactions are repeated. Sometimes there is no airdrop, and the time and energy invested are wasted.

Players who do interactive gambling airdrops deride themselves as electronic beggars. Odyssey missions come one after another, and I don’t know when it will end.

Interaction is continuous interaction, and it is possible to obtain airdrops. The cycle is long and requires continuous persistence.

The daily life of an interactive blogger

Nowadays, although many of the various web3 games are free and do not require capital investment, their returns are indeed low.

Unless you are just a chain worker, you can accept earning a few dollars a day.

There are too many ways to double the blockchain in 10 days, or 10 times in 1 day, and it is really hard to get rid of a few dollars.

If you are a new web3 player, try to understand the project and start from scratch. This is also a way to explore.

There are new hot spots on the chain every day. For example, in the past few days, the floor price of rune stone NFT has risen to 0.036 BTC, which is more than 2,500 US dollars.

Those who made inscriptions early will once again receive airdrop benefits. Almost all Bitcoin wallets that made inscriptions early received runestone airdrops.

Some group members even received hundreds of stone NFT airdrops, which was also a big surprise.

Not only will the airdropped runestones increase, but holding NFT will also continue to receive airdrops from other projects, with huge benefits.

rune stone floor price 0.036BTC

In the blockchain market, each gameplay has certain thresholds and requirements, and you can only continue to explore in a way that you can afford.

On the one hand, I feel that it is easy for others to make money; on the other hand, I can only continue to improve my learning ability and understand market changes and trends;

Only by choosing a method that suits you and continuing to invest can you get benefits.

There are many ways to play in the market. Only those that suit you will have a chance to win. Also, learn more about unfamiliar areas, because these sectors have greater possibilities. At the same time, do not blindly fomo or be a pick-up guy.

They all seem to be opportunities, but finding the entrance is not easy. Opportunities and risks are involved.

The above is just my personal opinion, no investment advice. I am Chuxiaolian, and I am paying attention to the encryption market and web3.