As the year is halfway through, the market believes that the probability of a shift in interest rate decisions is getting higher and higher. Since May, the market has begun speculating on the possibility of a pause in rate hikes at each Fed meeting, from 30% in May to 60% in June. If there is still no pause in rate hikes in June, then the probability of no rate hikes in July is believed to rise further until the Fed announces a pause in rate hikes. In other words, this expectation will be hyped sooner or later and will be realized sooner or later. It is just a matter of time, not a question of whether it will happen. The market just wants to create a time difference.

The current inflation level is obviously under effective control, but it is far from the expected 2% target. At present, I am more inclined to continue to raise interest rates by 25 basis points in June to further cool down the inflation level. If the next inflation data is released and the results are ideal, then consider suspending the interest rate hike. If inflation rebounds or fails to gradually decline, then start raising interest rates again to give the market a buffer period. This is also a more flexible approach. #合约锦标赛 #币安披萨 #binancepizza #广场狂热挑战赛 #币安广场狂热挑战赛