Recently, many meme coins have appeared on the sol chain, and tens of millions of dollars can be raised easily, which makes people jealous. Those technical teams who have worked hard for several years before raising millions of dollars feel very uncomfortable! There was also the Vt project, which was also very popular at the time and attracted many big Vs and retail investors to participate. As a result, 20,000 bnb were raised in just a few hours. Everyone felt that they would make a lot of money after going online. However, after the project team received the money, they only added 3,000 BNB, and the rest of the money was transferred to An'an. They explained that this was for transit and bot protection. But having said that, does transit require so much money? This is obviously taking investors' money to mine, using your money for nothing and trying to brainwash you with nice words.

I thought I would make a lot of money after going online, but as it turned out, I still had to wait for the money to be repaid. I just posted a few words on Twitter and got 20,000 BNB, but I lost 30% when I launched the private sale.

VT is well-known for his deceptive tactics in the industry. He has been working in casinos for decades, but he has accumulated a lot of "experience" and is particularly good at playing with people's hearts.

In the past, he always found various reasons for the project to collapse, whether it was that his ex-wife had stolen his wallet, his brother had betrayed him, or even his friends had hurt him. These were all excuses he used to cover up his dishonesty. .

He also always said that he was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Well, that was all the power he created for himself. He always says that he is an A9 or A10 level boss, but in fact, his real situation is far from what he said.

The investigation results showed that he actually only had 60,000 US dollars in hand, which was a long way from the level of wealth he claimed to have. Really rich people keep a low profile, and showing off like VT only exposes the fact that he is a liar.

This VT has held important positions in many projects, but every time, it ended in failure. Take for example when he was managing the Baobao Chinese community, he claimed to be the banker of multiple projects. In fact, he was just trying to manipulate the market and reap his own benefits. As a result, many investors lost their money, and some even went bankrupt.

In the GHC project, VT was a dishonest person. He was clever and secretly used everyone's crowdfunding money. He also made up a story and put all the blame on his ex-wife, causing panic in the market. He manipulated the market and caused the price of tokens to plummet, causing investors to lose their money. What's even more egregious is that he colluded with the project party and used tokens to pledge mining proceeds to defraud people. In the end, the project party ran away and investors suffered heavy losses.

This VT not only deceives people online, but also commits fraud in real life. He used his feelings to deceive women, pretending that he was miserable, and getting women to invest in him. Now he has launched the ENTS project again. I think this is just VT trying to deceive people again. He uses methods such as rat positions and market manipulation to make money, which will only harm investors in the end. Also, there are problems with the team structure and chip allocation of this project, and the risks are high.

If you want to cut the pre-sale to the second level, the project side will cut the pre-sale directly. You think you can make money, but this trend actually depends on luck. Just like a trader who lost $1.48 million in just 11 hours because of chasing the rise and selling of Meme coins. Except for Bome, everything else can never go up again once it falls. Therefore, don’t have high expectations when playing with memes. Once the money is in the hands of the project team, they can do whatever they want. If they don’t issue you coins or give you a linear release, there’s nothing you can do about it. You can try to use the small to gain the big, but never use the big to gain the small. The risk is too great.