Daily update on March 25, 2024: BTC has risen back above 69,000 USDT, with a 24-hour increase of 3%. 200 million US dollars were liquidated in 24 hours, of which 130 million short positions were liquidated, and 57,000 people were liquidated.

Account situation: With the rise of Bitcoin, the account continues to reach new highs and remains at 570,000+ (including dividends), with a principal of 150,000 and a yield of 310+%.

The total equity of the contract account is 533,000, the total position is 351,000, 52 varieties, 200+ pending orders, and the transaction winning rate is as high as 70+%.

There are no changes in positions today, and only some pending orders have been adjusted.

Risk warning: Leverage is not a devil, it is just a tool to improve capital utilization. Leverage itself has no risk, the real risk comes from human nature.