This is a speculative market that is manipulated. The rise and fall of the market is not important. As an ordinary person, if it goes up, you will get more, and if it goes down, you will lose. If you are weak, you can only drink a cup of water. Don't imagine getting rich suddenly, and earn some small money honestly. Come on

Because of human nature, the pleasure of making money. After working hard for a month, I only get a salary of more than 10,000 yuan. If I open a 100 times contract, I can earn 34,000 yuan in one night. Once you experience the pleasure of making money, how many people can resist it?

But remember, this is a market that eats people and creates myths. This is a paradise for speculators and a hell for gamblers. The 7*24-hour trading time is addictive, and the 100 times leverage is even more crazy. I have experienced a 15-fold increase in one night, and I have also experienced a loss of 40,000. u. Looking back suddenly, only I understand the bitterness.

This road is not easy to walk, and you may not get anything if you keep going, but once you get results, you will find that your previous persistence is worth it. I will only talk about my experience as a person who has been through it, and encourage each other, and continue to motivate myself to work hard. I came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle in 2015 and started to do contracts in 2018. I was too young at that time. Relying on my years of experience in stock index futures and 50ETF options, I felt that trading in the contract market was more free and I could make money all year round. But the reality is cruel. In the first half of the year, my position was blown up almost every month, very punctually, and I almost couldn't sleep well every day. My mental state was very bad, and I lost 15 kilograms.

In about half a year, more than 800,000 yuan was gone. When I was most confused and helpless, there was always a sentence that encouraged me: the past cannot be redeemed, but the future can still be changed. That period was really hard to endure. The pressure from family members and the denial of myself made me live in a dead cycle every day.

However, the tuition fees of more than half a year have taught me two things. First, contracts can indeed make you rich. If I had done the opposite, I would have made 120,000 yuan in the past six months, which is much better than working. Second, you must always control risks and not rely on luck. Placing orders against the trend and trading with heavy positions are the key to accelerating a margin call.

Finally, I stopped all transactions and let myself go for more than a month. After that, I only did contract trading and improved my trading system. Over the past year or so, I have been experiencing huge profits and losses, and my positions have been liquidated. However, I have gradually formed my own sense of the trends of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and I can better control my emotions.

After that, I continued to charge coins and trade, and control my emotions, especially when the profit order turned into a loss order, which was the easiest to make people get carried away. Perhaps it was God's blessing. With the sharp rise of Ethereum in 2020, I began to make stable profits and started full-time trading. I reviewed and reviewed the market every day, only doing intraday swings, and resolutely not overnight, controlling risks. It was also this year that I made back all the previous losses and had savings. Until now, the transaction is still there, and there is a surplus, but the mood has changed. Many things are not taken lightly, but I love life more and enjoy the ordinary.

Contracts are really a testing ground for human nature. Sometimes after multiple consecutive losses, it is easy to get carried away and take a heavy position or place orders against the trend. These are mistakes made due to human nature.

Trading is often anti-human, and full-time trading requires overcoming more pain, misunderstanding, and loneliness. Also, don't deny yourself, slowly find your own trading rhythm, don't be whimsical when things go well, and don't belittle yourself when things go badly.

It is true that one day in the cryptocurrency world is like one year in the real world, so cherish every moment.

The cycle of bull and bear is all surplus. One thought makes you a Buddha, and every thought makes you a devil.

Finally, I wish you can have fewer obstacles on the road of trading and make money all the way. You are also welcome to communicate on the homepage. I write articles more to find some people with the same frequency to move forward together. The road of trading is very lonely, and it is a very happy thing to have someone to accompany and communicate. I hope you can take fewer detours on the road to getting rich.