2023.6.2 Daytime Market Analysis

20:30 Non-agricultural employment data released, the big cake pulled down cautiously and led the concubine. Whether to raise interest rates in June depends on whether employment is strong. The data released recently are relatively good. At present, the daily axis price, the upper and lower prices each account for half. At present, the market has been supporting the 4-hour gold line. Let's see the rebound first.

There are downward pins, be cautious when inserting upward pins, the main short-term long idea

Pressure level: 1930, 1960, 27300, 27800

Support levels: 1820, 1780, 26300, 25800

Currently, there are multiple orders with stop profit of 1890, 1920, 27200, stop profit

Don't rush to go short, it's better to wait for the signal. Auntie:

At present, we will look at the rebound first, short around 1920, stop loss at the previous high,

Stop profit 1880, 1850, second stop profit 1820, 1810

2: Aggressive short at 1890, stop loss at 1930, add position at 1915, take profit at 1845, second stop profit at 1820, 1810 pie on the day:

Short around 27200, 27300, stop profit at 26700, 26500,

Second stop profit 25800, the entity breaks and resolutely stop loss 27750 for the day's short wave, pay attention to position management, for reference only