Place orders on Binance.
My initial idea was to use the 4-hour line to upgrade to the daily line. This way, it would be easier to enter the market earlier, and it would not be easy to hit the stop loss.

Use ATR to open a position, and control the risk position to a leverage of 1.5-3 times of the total capital. In four or five days, it doubled, and I caught 5 coins that had increased a lot.

It seemed pretty good. During this period, I manually closed a lot of positions and sold them all short.

I have to say that my hands are very weak, and I only caught 5 in total: #Blur #BigTime #uni #klay #sushi

There are more than 5 stocks that are sold on the fly. Among them, GMT, SEI, SUI, Magic, AXS, and Lunc are all stocks that I manually closed and sold on. They have not risen for a long time. I feel that they have taken up my share of the position. As for losses, even if I sell them, Even if you stop the loss, you won't lose much money. If you have to give a reason, it's because you are in debt and you always feel like you have to do something. In hindsight, all I had to do was wait patiently.
I didn't have this problem a few days ago, because I had been playing League of Legends a few days ago, so I didn't pay much attention to the game.
When I was watching the market and saw that my funds had not increased for a long time, I started to lose money. In fact, it might only have been five or six hours before I could not restrain myself from opening and closing positions manually.
This is a very bad habit. It often causes my positions to be opened with a leverage of more than 5 times, resulting in high risks. However, since everyone is rising, the risk is not revealed.
However, there was a correction tonight, and all the positions that were opened late had their losses stopped, and the coins that were already safe also had a SUSHI stop loss.

I was thinking that I have never closed my position, even after all this effort, shouldn’t the market reward me? Why does it reward those who use high leverage to go short and go long?
I really don’t understand. Shouldn’t I be the only one who holds a firm position and be the one with the last laugh?
But I watched as the 100% profit I had accumulated in the past 4 days turned into 50%. The stop loss wiped out a lot of my principal. The profitable positions also suffered a large loss.
Then I started to question, is there something wrong with my strategy?

I thought about it for a long time and suddenly understood something. In the end, I still had 4 positions left. Isn’t that what the market rewarded me for?

In the past few weeks, I used the 3-EMA breakthrough method to do high-leverage trading, and the success rate was very high. It increased ten to twenty times in three days. However, when the market pulled back, there was a large amount of capital withdrawal. So I started from 1 minute After changing it to 5 minutes, the situation improved, and it doubled again. However, it only lasted for two or three days, and there was not even a downward correction. I lost dozens of times of profits and principal again.
I have been on tenterhooks for several days. If quantitative trading requires constant monitoring and one-click closing of positions as soon as the market pulls back, then what is it called quantitative trading?

So I read the "Turtle Trading Method" carefully again and thought about every detail of it very thoroughly. I like its ATR position opening method very much. Although it is not appropriate to directly use its formula to trade Bitcoin, but after a while After modification, you can trade the 4-hour and daily lines.
And I found that if a currency rises a lot, it will definitely trigger the 4-hour and daily signals, which are the signals of higher-level K-lines. If I can get more accurate signals, I will make 10-20% less per order. In fact, it is irrelevant. Because the real trend should not be fragmented at the 5-minute level.

I spent a few hours last week rewriting a quantitative AI, and then ran the AXS backtest in 2021. The effect was very good, and I did not miss any wave of the market. When it increased by about 35 times, I could probably get more than 20 times. income.
This is just one coin. I can use the floating profit to buy other coins to realize the rollover. I didn’t even open a high leverage. I only opened a total of 0.5 times of leverage using ATR, and I was able to achieve such a high profit.
So I changed my strategy. I no longer want to be nervous about short-term trading, and let the market situation control my mood.

Today should be the fifth day of using this strategy. I felt very comfortable in the first three days. I trust this trading system quite a bit, so unless there is a bug, I will let it automatically handle all market trends.
But something was wrong these two days. My capital curve was 30% profit on the first day, 50% on the second day, 70% on the third day, and 100% on the fourth day. However, it didn’t rise much on the fifth day, so I Open a position manually and lie in wait.
But this has a big drawback. I missed the increase of many coins that day, and I was holding a pile of chips that did not increase.
Because I am only allowed to open a maximum of 12 position units.

In fact, it's more than that. I also changed some parameters. For example, when the leverage of a risky position is less than 3 times, I don't consider the limit of 12 positions, so that subsequent positions can be easily added.
I tested it for half a day and found that I could open up to 18 positions, but after the leverage reached 3 times, the same situation still occurred.
I was uneasy that day because I had increased the risk, but the final test proved that 18 warehouses compared to 12 warehouses did not solve the actual problem, so I happily changed the code back, and then selectively used the 18 warehouses at hand. It's down to twelve.

I began to pay attention to my principal. I didn't want it to lose. I knew that any risk could occur, which could cause my profits to be wiped out for several days or even months, so I tried my best not to lose my capital. Reduce my risk without benefit.

I opened a small account with 1030U. During the test, I couldn't help opening the position manually, and finally opened it to 5 times the leverage. When the market pulled back tonight, the loss far exceeded my expectation, and I lost almost half of my assets. , I can only turn off this AI, and adjust the remaining 600U funds to the large number with orders. I feel that the transactions of the large number are public and have more supervision. They will supervise me not to trade manually without authorization.

I summarize the following points today and warn myself:

  1. Do not trade manually, including opening and closing positions, the AI ​​will take care of itself.

  2. Unless you are fixing a bug, don't change the parameters or touch it. It has been proven that it can run well.

  3. Read a book, or play games if you can't. Don't watch the market. The result of watching the market will be that you won't be able to trade.