Decentralized applications, known as DA.pps, are essentially smart contract-based versions of applications that gained popularity through the Ethereum network. These decentralized applications (DA.pps) work very similar to traditional applications, and users may not even notice a difference in their functionality, but they offer a broader range of features.

Today, the majority of applications run on centralized networks controlled by a central authority. For example, social networks, banks and streaming services store your data on central servers. When you use these apps, your device sends requests to our servers, and you receive the requested data, assuming your login credentials are valid. Although this centralized approach is effective, it leads to the accumulation of significant user data, raising concerns about security breaches, intrusive advertising, and big tech companies like Google profiting from your personal information.

However, as we move into the Web3 era, which is characterized by decentralized technologies, the landscape is changing rapidly. In this new paradigm, decentralized applications (DA.pps) represent a fundamental departure from centralization, promoting user empowerment. These applications leverage blockchain technology to provide enhanced security, transparency, and control over personal data, which fundamentally drives our interaction.