3.24 Bitcoin shares today, is about to plummet! !

As a result, the answer in the comment area has been posted!

Read the article slowly and read the answers in the comment area!

In the past few days, I have been posting about plummeting prices!

At present, Bitcoin has entered the daily adjustment from the hourly adjustment. The next period of time will be the adjustment stage to avoid the occurrence of black swans. Its own anti-risk coefficient is small, and it is still mainly spot. We all know that this year will not be peaceful. During this period Strong winds and waves are normal! We need to screen high-quality assets and wait for the sprint!

We have now entered the first stage of adjustment in the bull market! Where will it be adjusted?

The daily line M top here!

Shock here! Should we use horizontal instead of falling?

The weekly line has fallen this week, and it should start next week!

Because after next week, it will be next month!

Crescent line!

Wait for the first position 53000

And of course there is a second position! I can’t find it and publish it!

As mentioned before, the recent daily line position is as follows

The next first support level on the daily line is around 60,000

The next second support level on the daily line is around 53800

Since it is a daily level adjustment!

It just takes time, maybe it will arrive in half a month!

Maybe a month! Wait patiently!

Let’s take a look at these two first!

Because everyone can see it!

Since everyone can see it,

Will it go like this?

Let’s look forward to it together!

Bull market thinking!

Every big correction is an opportunity to get on board!

Find a location that suits you!

Hold it and wait for departure!

During the bull market, the roller coaster is very exciting!

The middle part is very exciting and the key points are beautiful!

The above is purely a personal opinion!

Because the mentality is different, the operation is of course different!

Control the risks of your own operations!

Everyone’s level of stress tolerance is different!

Everyone’s situation is different!

I'd better get my ready wife!

I still have some bullets left! Wait for the opportunity!

Because it’s only in stock, when facing the roller coaster!

Only then will things be better and calm!

Sit back and wait for the wind to come!

Quietly waiting for the dawn after the storm!

If you like spot goods, let's spend this bull market together. Click on the avatar for the spot goods of Tunniu Market, follow me, face fans, share for free, just be a free blogger, just to gain followers, follow me for free, join the circle!

Which one do you prefer between bits and ether?

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