$EOS #EOS生态系统

BM is undoubtedly an excellent programmer. However, he may not be a qualified project organizer.

From the beginning of the BTS project, BM showed that he was not suitable for leading a project. Now the problem may arise again.

We all know that even if a person's intentions and projects are good, one wrong step can lead to a complete failure.

The cryptocurrency space is moving so fast that sometimes we don’t even have time to try and make mistakes. Many competitors are eager to become the leader of Blockchain 3.0, but EOS faces many challenges and is far from reaching the moment of dominance.

I think some people just lack prudence.

They need to be viewed rationally. They may think their project is better than Ethereum, but the so-called "free" is often just an illusion. At this time, they need to be reminded and someone needs to point out their shortcomings.

I dare to make a bold prediction: It is very likely that in the near future, there will be a product similar to EOS, or even a fork of EOS, which can better solve the current high development cost problem. If such a product really appears, I will throw away all the EOS in my hands without hesitation. After all, I don’t hold EOS just to play games with these 200,000 users.

I noticed that BM mentioned on July 7 that he was developing a DRAM, which is a financial derivative based on RAM. He hopes that this DRAM can distinguish real demanders from speculators. I'm on the fence about this.

How much time does EOS have left? This question is left for us to think about ourselves.