#幣安請你去杜拜 #跟着驰哥学交易 @颜驰Bit

BTC is approaching the 1-hour support. Observe the performance of the support and resistance swap positions near 65,000. You can make long and short expectations.

Long order expectations:

If the volume breaks through upward and then goes back to the support, then the support does not break. Open a long order and look at the area of ​​67500 (first take profit). Finally, you will see 68500 and leave the market. The stop loss is placed at the low point of the previous K-line that broke through.

Short order expectations:

It breaks through the support upwards and closes back down to the resistance, but the pullback is blocked. When opening a short order, look at the area of ​​62200 (the first take profit). Finally, I see 60800 to leave the market. The stop loss is on holiday, breaking through and falling back to the K-line high point.

Transaction reminder:

The market is currently in a feverish stage, with very high fluctuations. Partners who operate contracts must use less than 5 times leverage to avoid stop losses that are too late to be carried away by the pin. As long as you can hold on to the profits, you can stop them or set up protection to protect them. Profits, lest you suffer a sudden plunge/rising and have to take profits and lose money, lose your wife and then lose your troops, it will be very heartbreaking~"~