Binance really often takes users abroad!

The destination this time is to send all the readers to "Dubai"

Go and experience the exotic customs of the Middle East~

Go experience private helicopter and skydiving activities~

Go to Binance’s offline party~

Go meet the head of Binance and the big guys in the currency circle~

New and old users can participate. How to participate?

🔸Click here to register on Binance first

🔸Click here to register for the event

After completing the task, you will have the opportunity to participate in Binance’s “Dubai Token 2049” and win the machine-added wine fund of up to 2,000 USDT!

Has anyone at Binance Plaza been to Dubai? Welcome to share your experience or strategies in the comment area!

#幣安請你去杜拜 #热门话题 #HotTrends #token2049 #BNB‬ $BNB