🔥Today I introduce a 0-project Tabi: Binance Investment, clear incentives for the second test

Tabi, which has investors from Binance, Animoca and other institutions and industry leaders, has just launched the second phase of its test network. You can win various prizes by completing tasks. There is a high probability that they will be linked to future airdrops. It is recommended to sign up for multiple accounts!

💧 Shipping address: https://faucet.testnet.tabichain.com/

🟧Task address: https://tabi.lol?code=pFRSc

(The current test network is relatively slow, it is recommended to participate after it stabilizes)

Mission 1: Sailors' Party

- Follow Tabi on official Twitter.

- Join Tabi official Discord.

- Reward: 1 Treasure Scroll.

Mission 2: Reddit Port

- Connect your Reddit account and join the Tabi Reddit community.

- Reward: 1-3 Treasure Scrolls.

Mission 3: The Road to the Footbag Treasure

- Will Tabi🟧

Add to your Twitter name

- Reward: 2 Treasure Scrolls.

Mission 4: Sailor's Shouting Station

- Post about Tabi on X.

- Reward: 1 treasure scroll + 1 spell book.

- Note: Check back regularly for new tasks; repeat tasks to get additional rewards.

Task 5: Navigation exchange

- Trade at the Market Pier.

- Reward: 2 Treasure Scrolls.

Mission 6: Voyage Pioneer

- Join Vanguard's Launchpad.

- Reward: 2 Treasure Scrolls.

Mission 7: Tide Rider's Journey

- Ride the waves in Odyssey.

- Reward: 2 Treasure Scrolls.

#空投 #热门话题 #ETH #Tabi #撸毛