The first thing you should take into account if you want to invest in crypto will be its volatility. If you are not an expert investor, perhaps you should consider whether you are prepared to take on that risk, and even analyze your emotional capacity and strength in the face of downturns, which are quite common among these assets.

If you want to start investing and you still don't have much experience, a good option is to stick to five basic pillars:

1. Train yourself. Don't trust your savings to your brother-in-law's recommendations or a YouTube tutorial. There are hundreds of courses on investing and financial management that will help you acquire the basic knowledge to start investing safely.

2. You don't want to run. Just as you can spend months looking for a house to buy, don't jump into investing without having dedicated long hours to inform yourself and learn about investments. It is a complex world and you must have all the necessary tools and knowledge before entering it.

3. Analyze your risk capacity. Be very clear about how many percent of your money you can invest and, above all, how much you can afford to lose.

4. Set goals. Ask yourself what you want to invest for. To buy you a car; a house; for retirement... depending on your objective you should choose one strategy or another.

5. Diversify. The least risky portfolios are those that are not reduced to a couple of stocks in which you have put all your money. Because you could lose everything at once. Distributing these shares into medium-low risk securities and a couple of certain risk assets is one of the strategies most followed by expert investors.

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