If a person wants to understand something, it must be based on the worldview framework he understands.

For example, when we read a novel or watch a movie, if we don’t understand the world view in it, we won’t be able to understand why people can do such things, such as being able to fly and have various powers. You must first agree with it. Only by setting his worldview can you continue reading.

The same goes for your understanding of the world. Only by understanding its worldview can you understand its laws.

Some people say that the financial market is a miracle. It allows people with no money to participate in investment, distribute dividends to the stocks of large companies, and let smart people work for you.

But in fact, the world is set up so that most people have to go into debt and spend their time and energy to become part-time workers, so that you can work non-stop.

What does your happiness and well-being have to do with the maker? Who cares about your life and death except your parents, wife and children? Who cares about your hard work?

Your self-impression is worthless, and your cheap kindness is as worthless as your weakness.

This is how I understand the world:

If you have the money, you can change the rules; if you have the power, you can make the rules.

If you have no money and no power, congratulations, the rules are tailor-made for you.

Sometimes you may feel that you are so unlucky even though you have worked hard and there is nothing wrong with you.

The truth is, you are the one who can be sacrificed at any time, but unfortunately it happens to hit you.

Most of us are just media, you may not believe it.

The first role of the media is to transfer resource energy, and the second is to improve efficiency.

Sometimes I wonder why people can't eat grass directly, why should they eat cattle and sheep, and cattle and sheep can eat grass, why can't they eat soil directly.

Soil is the medium that links grass and natural energy, and cattle and sheep are the medium that links people and grass. Grass is the medium linking cattle, sheep and soil.

Many things in the world need a medium to make the world work.

And most of us are just intermediaries between big people and material wealth. To put it bluntly, it is a dry battery. Used to recharge big shots.

So this new type of financial market in the currency circle is actually a further evolution of the traditional financial market. The decentralized trading market is the result of the evolution of the centralized market. This is the reason why I bought uni.

The traders in this world want to squeeze every penny out of your hands and will never allow you to save money as savings.

Leaving a penny in your pocket is all his fault as a world trader, and he is guilty.

Such as fraud, such as capital disk, such as various investments, such as you paying for other people's friendship and emotions. It's all a way to drain your money.

The truth of the world is hidden plunder, and people want to take your money directly from your hands. But it won’t work without a mediator. The cost of backlash is very high and it won’t last long. Just like people will definitely die if they eat grass directly, cattle and sheep will definitely die if they eat soil directly.

Therefore, the rules of the world are that there will be various ways to plunder your wealth, which are beyond your imagination. Only by constantly working hard to make money can you ensure the survival of your family. Many people say that I am in debt and I don’t make money even if I am in debt. Then to a certain extent, you must be using others as a medium to rob others.

Have you noticed that the big cases that make the news are all those who have accumulated a certain amount of wealth? When their wealth is enough, the big guys will use the rules that have been established before to plunder their wealth reasonably. They use various methods to plunder their wealth. The money received illegally will eventually be robbed. You can think about why it is not returned to the victims, because these victims themselves are just second-level agents, and the "bad guys" are just higher-level agents. The "bad guy" in your eyes is just a medium to connect ordinary people.

My understanding is that the currency circle is actually a medium that robs other people of their wealth. But most people rush in and think they can make money. In the end, they will all be robbed. Are they robbed by others? Part of it is, and part of it is being plundered by Bitcoin.

I saw a lot of people borrowing money to rush into this market. When they saw air coins, they bought them, played with bands and contracts, all thinking of making money. Whenever these people bought these coins, I found out again, and I I will choose to sell it immediately. I don’t believe that so many people can make a fortune. And why can you make a fortune by buying Bitcoin? Because most people will not buy this, and Bitcoin itself is used as a medium to rob others of their wealth. If you buy this, it is equivalent to having the attributes of a predator. If you work hard to make money and buy Bitcoin, you become a medium for supplying Bitcoin. According to the rules, Bitcoin can belong to you completely and cannot be plundered by any force. So when you hold it, that Bitcoin You will definitely be given an equal share of the wealth plundered by coins.

When you play with an air currency, you must treat it as a medium. It is just a tool to help you plunder market wealth in stages, and it will eventually be absorbed by Bitcoin.

The premise that you can make money by playing with air coins is that you know that it does function as your medium, and you are not that medium. This requires cognition to determine. If you don't have this understanding and judgment, you will definitely lose everything.

When you are unsure, please remember not to spend big money, just have fun. This is a clear-cut objection to borrowing money to play with air coins.

If you know, then of course you can play. The trader of pepe uses pepe as the medium, the trader of orid uses ordi as the medium, and the trader of rats uses rats as the medium. Then ask yourself, do you have the ability to use them as the medium? ? If there is, then of course you can make money, but if I don't, then I choose not to play, or I can get good luck with a small amount of money. These are my choices.

Before playing these, you must make sure whether you have it. If you have it, the money is very profitable. If not, you will definitely lose it all.

Of course they, the traders, know this, so if you can make money, they use these media to rob you of your wealth.

You make money by relying on physical strength and time, but your physical strength and energy sources also plunder various animals and plants in the world.

It is too inefficient for them to directly plunder the resources of animals and plants in the world. Of course, it is most efficient to plunder you directly, which is in line with the second rule: improve the efficiency of plundering.

Please believe that everything I said is wrong

I've finished writing, I've finished writing, come on. I am a masseur in Circle B, an old leek who sincerely wishes you to become rich in the currency circle.