South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world, but the highest currency speculation rate in the world

Because South Korea is a society dominated by chaebols, it is extremely difficult for people at the bottom to rise.

I often see news about how Korean female celebrities are doing, feasting and feasting

Some people are arrogant and inhumane to enslave others.

The oppressed men rely on kneeling and women rely on prostitution

Even the president has to look at the chaebol’s face

The people of such a country have no hope, so they can simply pin their fate on the currency circle. Therefore, 1 out of 3 people in South Korea is a currency speculator.

It can be said to be national speculation.

Return to China

There are many bearish people on Douyin, Tieba, Zhihu and other Web2 software.

Most of them don’t know what digital currency is. They start talking about Ponzi scheme funds, tulips, drumming and passing flowers.

They will cheer loudly every time the stock price plummets. What is the ultimate reason?

Why do most people have so much ill will toward the currency community?

The things that have made you rich these years are the Internet and real estate.

You know that this thing is not worth so much money, but you watch it go up and up. You can experience that feeling of powerlessness for yourself.

I will regret why I didn’t get in the car in the first place.

China's current speculative get-rich-quick mentality has become pathological

Everyone longs to get rich suddenly

Digital currency makes some people rich, but makes those who have not participated jealous

Over the past two decades, the Internet and real estate have made many people rich, and the demolished households have made fortunes through reincarnation.

Only those who worked honestly did not get rich, but were cut the hardest.

After more than twenty years of practical education, most people have begun to recognize a reality:

It is difficult to achieve a class jump by relying on dead wages.

Existing income and protection are difficult to protect against potential risks such as serious illness in the future.

The currency circle is very speculative, but it is not actually the most fundamental reason.

The fundamental reason is: People who have the right to speak regard the currency circle as a scourge. Everyone can see that the people who are really shouting are basically the vested interests of old money.

They don't want anyone to suddenly come out

He quickly became a new money upstart in a way that he couldn't understand.

To a certain extent, their original rising framework was shaken and a sense of crisis was created.

Some people may object that many people have lost all their money?

In fact, there are so many stories like this in the stock market. Why not close the stock market?

Because the stock market is a game dominated by old money, the old forces make a lot of money here.

The currency circle is a new track, and most of the old forces have not had time to adapt and cannot make this money.

They don’t care whether this is speculation, let alone whether anyone suffers losses as a result.

Who supports the currency circle the most?

The losers in the eyes of the old forces include me, of course.

There are also some young people who have no hope.

As a friend of mine said

I was used to living in poverty before, and felt that there was little hope in that kind of life.

It wasn't until I entered the currency circle that I felt something new in my heart. I had never felt this way before.

He summed up this feeling as hope

There are definitely very big risks behind these stories, but as a person from a low-level background, there is no particularly good way to make money.

For young people who don’t have an upward path, what can be more exciting than the currency circle?

But these people have no say, their voices are weak

Working diligently and honestly can only provide you with enough food and clothing, but you will never get rich.

Honest people will eventually be disappointed

The distribution of society has become seriously unfair.

The Internet has amplified the anxiety of many ordinary people, because we have seen too many wealthy people's lives, spending a lot of money in nightclubs, and even a BBA is not considered a luxury car.

Nowadays, people’s desires have been infinitely magnified

The devil of getting rich is hidden in everyone's heart, but in fact most people are weak

You really don’t dare to ask him to use his hard-earned money to gamble.

When others make money, he can only slap his thighs

When others lose money, he will laugh loudly and then say that I have already said that this thing is unreliable, so as to show his foresight.

What a person fears most is the unknown

The most jealous thing is that others earn more than you do, and others live better than you do.

The most righteous thing a person can do is to criticize and accuse others from the moral high ground.

What a person likes to see most is the suffering of his own kind

So you see, for things like the currency circle, the evil of this kind of people can be gathered to the greatest extent

They have neither the ability nor motivation to learn the basics of blockchain and are envious of people in the cryptocurrency community making money.

They are unable and unwilling to look at the currency circle dialectically and classify them as bulls, ghosts and snake gods.

With the policy to suppress the currency circle, it seems to have given them the sword of Shang Fang, giving them more confidence and stronger combat effectiveness.

It’s actually normal to have objections to the currency circle

There is no new thing that does not go through this process of eliminating the bad and retaining the pure.

There is no need to pay too much attention to it.

What they say and do are irresistible to the wheel of history.

What we need to do is to improve awareness and expand resources within the circle, improve ourselves outside the circle, and prepare bullets

Of course, I don’t encourage anyone to get involved in anything. You need to have your own understanding when traveling in the world.

Since ancient times, we have heard that harsh government is more powerful than tigers.

You will be less oppressed and have more chances to make a comeback.

The poor are not afraid of tigers, on the contrary, those with vested interests are afraid

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