Record 📝the tokens that are bargain hunting today:

Buy 50 BNB at 510 and prepare to sell it between 560-599

182.3 Buy 100 SOL and prepare to sell it around 210

I increased my position in manta at 2.93 and am ready to hold it for the long term and double it before exiting.

Added alt position at 0.466 and prepared to sell at around 0.7.

I bought 2,000 coins on 1.36, which I plan to exchange for tokens on the 20th.

I forgot the name, I just wanted to win after exchanging coins!

Finally, I added zeta to the contract at 1.8 because there is no spot on Binance.

I can only buy the contract at a low multiple! I hope to make more efforts in the future and list it on Binance Spot.

The above are just my transaction records and do not represent any investment advice!

#热门话题 #抄底最佳时机 #超短线