Welcome to learn about Panda Trading Society. To avoid later disputes and misunderstandings, we hereby make the following statement:

1. Introduction to Coach Panda: He was a programmer and preferred technology. Later he became obsessed with the digital currency trading market and studied it painstakingly for 2 years. I have paid for advice from many teachers and institutions, and I have been through the traps of single-calling groups, suffered losses from altcoins, and even fallen prey to project circles...

2. After being preached and taught by experts, I am now a little successful. I dare not say that I have freedom of wealth. There is no problem in supporting my family and becoming well-off by doing business.

3. The Panda Trading Society has been established for three years and has trained thousands of professional traders. There are personal B-circle technical groups - A-share technical groups - foreign exchange technical groups [members are all trained by Panda Trading Academy]

4. The life of a trader is boring. It stems from my writing hobby and self-media experience. I usually share some learning experience with netizens. If I can help, it is fate. More importantly, I can use the output to force me to continue. Enter and grow. Doing more altruism is the ultimate self-interest. As time goes by, I agree more and more with the meaning of this sentence.

Thank you for your attention and for meeting us.