Some time ago, Teacher Panguan shouted ace, and asked those under his command who had 50,000 u to all in ace. When the core group asked him what the password was, he didn't tell them, because many people in the core group had assets less than 50,000 oil. Hehe, it can be seen that our Teacher Panguan is still very conscientious, and only cheats the rich, not the poor.

But later his private chat was leaked, and people in the core group also knew that he was an ace. Now they are trapped, and they can only complain cautiously in the group, for fear of angering the judge teacher.

As for who leaked the negative password ace to the poor brothers in the group, I don’t know. Hey, I suddenly thought of a possibility. Is there a possibility? I mean, is there a possibility that the person who leaked the password was actually the clone of Judge Teacher?