Currently #Bitcoin  has gone through 3 corrections before Halving ‼️‼️

1⃣ First time: Adjusted 21% from $49k to $38k6

2⃣2nd time: 14.5% from $69k to $58k

3⃣3rd time: 12.5% ​​from 73k8 to 64k5$

✅ And now #Bitcoin  halving is very close, only 31D left.

▶️ Do you think it's possible to make deeper adjustments? ⁉️⁉️

🤚 As for my personal opinion, the adjustment period is probably over.

Instead of having stock shake-outs like previous cycles, this time MM has created 3 stock shake-out cycles, and what is always imprinted in everyone's mind is that there will be a very strong shake-down wave when looking back at the past!

That's why a lot of people lose their goods because they think they can optimize the wave and catch that classic droopy fruit again. Then the brothers hesitated and waited for more strong adjustments.

Gradually we will have to buy at higher levels, with greater #FOMO. And above all, we are getting drunk on the waves of the market and of MM.

⚠️ Note: The above is just my personal opinion, everyone will have a different opinion. The most important thing is still to make money 🫰🫰