Pixels is about to unlock 7% of the total circulation, beware of profit-seekers selling!

Estimated unlocking time: March 20

Project Twitter: https://twitter.com/pixels_online

Project official website: https://www.pixels.xyz/

Quantity unlocked this time: 54.38 million pieces

Amount unlocked this time: approximately US$391.1 billion

Pixels is a metaverse farm P2E game launched in 2021. It features a 16-bit pixel style, providing players with the ability to interact, farm, play mini-games and obtain token rewards in the pixel world. It is allowed to use PFP type NFT as game avatar.

This unlock is the first unlock since the token was launched. The current circulation accounts for 15% of the total, so the unlock proportion is relatively high. It is released for three types of objects, namely 20.38 million USD tokens for ecological rewards and project treasury tokens. 12.74 million US dollars in tokens and 5.99 million US dollars in advisors’ tokens.