The market sentiment is too fomo. Wherever there is enthusiasm, money can be printed as fast as a money printing machine, as if money is not money, but paper. Isn’t this the case with private placements on SOL now?

The sector has been rotating. In January, #梅林 detonated BTC and triggered a staking boom. The current pool of second-level staking is about 4 billion, and a group of people have become rich through airdrops. Now b2 is following closely behind, and now we are waiting for the b2 airdrop.

The market is focusing on Cancun's upgrade. Unfortunately, it is not ETH but BNB that will be upgraded. Those who have decided to invest in BNB are all eating meat. Each issue of IEO can also make you feel more comfortable.

Now it is #BOME . One day, the exchange detonated #SOL ecology. Hot money revolves around the SOL ecology. The U standard no longer exists. Now everyone is S standard. Continue to watch Solana go crazy! Which coin are you ambushing today?