After upgrading Dencun on Ethereum on March 13, Gas fees on Ethereum's Layer 2 (L2) network have dropped dramatically!

Starknet brutal discount 99%!

On the popular L2 platform Starknet, gas costs have dropped from $6 to just $0.04!

Other platforms are equally discounted.

  • Optimism down to $0.05

  • Base remaining at 0.064 dollars

  • Arbitrum down to 0.5 dollars

  • zkSync Era now $0.16

What is the essence of Dencun?

The Dencun is powered by EIP-4844 or "Proto-danksharding" which features a new "bolbs" storage structure, reducing storage costs. This results in lower L2 fees.

Dencun : Long-term solution or just a temporary one?

Although Dencun can really help reduce L2 gas costs, some experts Consider that it may be just a temporary solution.

⚠️ In the future, L2 fees will return to skyrocket?

If the number of rollups using blobs increases, the battle for blob space could become fierce, causing L2 fees to skyrocket in the future!

In conclusion, which L2 protocol is worth it?

  • ⚡️ Starknet: Cheapest gas prices Suitable for general use

  • ⚖️ Optimism: balance between gas and speed. Suitable for trading

  • Arbitrum: Fastest, suitable for gaming.

  • zkSync Era: High Privacy Suitable for transactions that require security

The future of L2 still has a lot to follow!


Don't forget to follow the next article for updates on new information about L2!