The latest CPI data in the United States is released at 3.2%

Core CPI3.8%

As we all know, the U.S. goal is to control the CPI within 2%. Since the CPI reached 3% last year, the Federal Reserve has slowed down its interest rate hikes and has maintained interest rates at 5.2-5.25% for nine months. Although the voice of cutting interest rates has been heard in the market The market appears, but the data proves that it has not yet reached the best time to open the interest rate cut channel. It is normal for inflation to fluctuate during the process of raising interest rates. The Federal Reserve also needs to observe changes in data to regulate it. As long as the fluctuations are within a reasonable range, it will not To intervene, March 20 of this month is the time when the Federal Reserve announces its latest interest rate policy. The overwhelming sentiment in the market is that interest rates will not be adjusted and the status quo will be maintained. At the same time, observing the US dollar index, we found that the range of index fluctuations is getting smaller and smaller, and there is a high probability that it will move out of the direction within two months.

#HotTrends Yesterday, #BTC IBIT COINBASE experienced a slight correction

Uncharacteristically, the copycats followed the decline instead of following the rise. Since Bitcoin exceeded $70,000. There are two long legs at the daily level. If 70,000 can stand firm, we can expect higher. If 70,000 cannot be held this month, then the market will most likely undergo a correction. After all, this adjustment is what many people are looking forward to. of. So will the market give face a larger correction? Let us wait and see, make our own position plan, how to operate if it falls, and how to operate if it rises, that's it. There is no need to lose yourself between the rise and fall, causing anxiety and internal friction.