🌐Cancun Upgrade It’s Really Here, Today

More and more lists that were not yet realized before are now becoming reality.

Two years after the launch of ETHDenver, and after dozens of test calls and development of the network, protodanksharding is finally live on mainnet!

Dencun 🧵Cancun will be activated on the Ethereum mainnet at epoch 269568, 🟧 March 13, 2024 13:55 UTC.

This upgrade follows last year's Shapella upgrade, which included several changes, most notably the introduction of temporary data blobs (also known as "protodanksharding") using EIP-4844, which will help reduce L2 transactions cost.

Dencun👀 The Cancun upgrade combines changes to the Ethereum consensus layer and execution layer. The complete list of protocol changes can be found in EIP-7569.

For reference, they are 👇

> EIP-1153: Transient store opcodes

> EIP-4788: Beacon block root in EVM

> EIP-4844: Sharded Blob Transactions

> EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory Copy Instruction

> EIP-6780: Self-destruct only within the same transaction

> EIP-7044: Permanently valid signature voluntary opt-out

> EIP-7045: Add max-proof inclusion slot

> EIP-7514: Add maximum Epoch churn limit

> EIP-7516: BLOBBASEFEE opcode

It's only today, and there's not much time left for you to pull the deal.

Helpless 😮‍💨The market has pulled back again, I guess Cancun will continue to disappoint you (the OP still pulled a lot, predict, I will watch arb next, many people are not optimistic about it, it will be unlocked immediately, now is the time to pay attention)

The short-term benefits have landed, but the long-term benefits have just begun. Let us forget about Cancun and look forward to ETH... #pepe #BTC #ARB #ETH #near