Launchpools one after another, how to optimize?

LaunchPool AEVO has not passed yet, LaunchPool ETHFI has arrived again.... during the period from 00:00 UTC March 14, 2024 to 23:59 UTC March 17, 2024.

Binance launched a new Launchpool token ETHFI again by staking BNB and FDUSD.

With an allocation of 20,000,000 ETHFI tokens into two BNB pools with 16,000,000 tokens, 4 times more than the FDUSD pool with 4,000,000 ETHFI tokens.

Thus, respectively, each BNB pool has 4,000,000 ETHFI and the FDUSD pool has 1,000,000 ETHFI allocated.

Still the old safe way:

+ Continue to Stake available FDUSD into FDUSD pool

+ AEVO bonus when sold out will be transferred to BNB stake pool BnB

Wishing you success in completing Launchpool.