The #halving of $BTC is a change that takes place approximately every 4 years. This English term means "to divide in two". $BTC holders can rest assured, it is not the tokens that are split in two! These are the rewards for $BTC miners that are halved.

Some explanations are necessary to fully understand the whole thing. The BTC blockchain works with proof-of-work. This means that for transactions to be validated, miners must provide energy, computing power, to solve a cryptographic problem. This mechanism is one of those which makes it possible to secure the blockchain and allow it to operate without a trusted third party. Miners who validate a block receive BTC as a reward.

As the mining difficulty is calibrated so that a block is validated approximately every ten minutes, and the halving takes place after 210,000 validated blocks, therefore this event takes place approximately every 4 years.

We therefore know that there will be a #halving during April 2024, without knowing the precise date in advance. Following this halving, the creation of a block will result in the issuance of 3.125 BTC, compared to 6.25 in February 2024.

With the #halving of 2024, the number of new tokens in circulation will therefore decrease. With supply reducing, if demand remains equal, the price of BTC should increase. This mechanism therefore makes it possible to support the value of the queen of cryptocurrencies. This is why star managers and influencers are talking more and more about #halving when it arrives: they see it as a window of opportunity which they necessarily judge to be a winning one for investors.

It must be said that the first 3 #halving proved them right. If we take the period between the halving and 365 days after, the increases have always been quite spectacular:

Halving 1 (2012): +6,033%

Halving 2 (2016): +328%

Halving 3 (2020): +508%