Today’s ama talked about a lot of information and it was quite long. I won’t summarize the technology. I will just summarize a few Chinese IP and airdrop issues that everyone is concerned about. If there are any mistakes, please correct them:

#内容挖矿 #solana #depin #空投

1. Airdrop plan

1.Worker Reward Program: This program is designed to reward those participants who provide computing resources to the network. Since the project side does not want the system to be gamified, that is, participants obtain additional rewards through unfair means, a reward dashboard (used to display accumulated rewards) will not be provided in the initial stage. Therefore, as participants, you cannot track the rewards you receive in real time in the early stages. This is done to ensure fairness and transparency in reward distribution.

2. Airdrop program: With worker rewards first, there is also a larger airdrop program as part of the reward mechanism, designed to attract new users and reward early participants. The project party distributes tokens to the community through airdrops, aiming to increase project participation and network activity. In the first two months, the worker reward program is part of the overall airdrop plan, and the rewards received by all participants will have retroactive effect, starting from November after the official launch of the project.

3. Anti-witches: Regarding dealing with witches, the project team stated that there are currently three ways to obtain airdrops, namely galxe’s tasks, discord’s activity and role, and linking to one’s own machine. These three methods are complementary and allow the airdrop plan to be covered. For more people, of course we will use galxe's technology and DC's historical records to remove obvious witches, but here the project team also talked about an issue about the wallet distribution of the token tge. Simply put, they want to use tge when , increasing the number of currency holders is better for the token economy, so some Witch wallets may give very small rewards, such as a few tokens, to increase the number of currency holders.

2. Advantages of

What significantly differentiates the project from other blockchain networks is its focus on AI and machine learning. The project emphasizes its ability to gather thousands of nodes and provide powerful computing resources to support the development and operation of AI/ML applications.This focus and support for AI/ML enables to provide end-to-end solutions to create unique value in the fields of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence.

3. Regarding the participation of Chinese users

Regarding the discussion on whether Chinese users can participate in the network and airdrop plan, the project team did not have a very clear meaning. They only said that in some countries, including China, users may face access restrictions. Users are reminded to comply with local laws and regulations. At the same time, although the project team did not directly comment on the legality of using VPN to access the service, it hinted that if users can access the service, they can participate in airdrops and other plans.