All records are based on a trading strategy. If you don’t know how to formulate your own strategy, welcome to #methodalgo , where you can combine your favorite trading strategies through different modes to help you improve your trading.

Importance of transaction records

  • Collect data and calculate results, single profit = profit or loss - handling fee

  • After calculating each trade, don’t forget to calculate the average gain and average loss, as well as the winning trades (the percentage of winning trades), which are used to measure your trading performance.

  • Track your biggest profit and loss each month

  • The holding time of each profit and loss

  • Recording is not for recording, but for better trading next time.

Analyze yourself through your trading performance

  • Through trading records, analyze what kind of person you are, focus on a model that maximizes your profits, and try to avoid the model that causes your biggest losses.

When trading, you often have emotions. Use rules and discipline to protect your mind.

  • When recording, you might as well write down your emotions, fear or greed?

  • When the rising profits exceed your average profits, greed will emerge and you should make your exit plan.

  • The essence of trading is not long: buy at the absolute low and sell at the absolute high, and short: sell at the absolute high and buy at the absolute low.

  • Instead, long: above the buy point/short: below the buy point, the profits earned are greater than the losses, and it is continuous and consistent.

  • Let planning protect you, rather than wavering between regret and indecision.