$ICP #taggr Many people invest in blockchain. Firstly, they do not go to the chain, secondly, they do not join the community, and thirdly, they do not read the developer forum. They only look at the currency price every day. If the currency price does not rise, they will frown. If the currency price rises slowly, they will chatter like a complaining woman. , I cried like a giant baby for my father and my mother. I was surprised. Don’t you have any idea about what blockchain is?

The first thing about blockchain is decentralization, and the second thing about free market is full liquidity. If you don't agree with the investment target, you can sell it. If you don't have the guts and funds, you can go short. You are welcome to directly attack and steal assets through contracts.

It's a pity that these wastes can't do anything and can't do anything well. Their awareness of position control is 0, their assets for covering and adding positions are 0, and their ability to hedge and arbitrage is still 0. If I buy a coin, what is this coin doing? I don’t know anything about this coin’s community and DApp. I have basically no ability to act except for being a bitch and scolding the currency price. This kind of leek is a parasite of the currency price and the shit of the community. If the free market doesn't cut these leeks and use them as fertilizer, why should they be coaxed into treating them as masters?

Seniors have long told you that as a currency speculator, it would be foolish for you to buy a coin but not CX it. If you lack CX capabilities, either don’t buy it or relearn it. Let me tell you one more thing, the blockchain is a free market, and no one needs to pay for your knowledge. Idiots are only suitable to go out and turn right to cry to the father of the Securities Regulatory Commission.

(The picture shows the decentralized anti-censorship Tieba community, the post mining mechanism, based on

#ICP #canister technical build)