After the Blast mainnet was launched, it angered many early users. First of all, the gas fee for migrating to the mainnet was a bit expensive, but this was not bad. After all, many users airdropped more or less through the dapps on its chain after the migration. Earn the gas fee back. What annoys old users the most is the point calculation method for the second quarter after the mainnet goes online. Some experts have calculated that the points calculation method for the second phase of staking is nearly 10 times higher than the first phase! Even if the official adds ten times the points to all old users in the first phase, it still cannot make up for the blow this point method brings to old users. Moreover, the money pledged in the first phase cannot be withdrawn yet. If you want to obtain the benefits in the later period, you must You must continue to stake on the mainnet, properly PUA master!

There are many people on the Internet analyzing the reasons for the official's perverse actions, such as killing big players, protecting TVL, attracting new users, etc. These arguments are not unreasonable, and the recent staking projects are not like the blast family. There are pledges. Users of Puffer must have been confused recently about whether they should have multiple wallets or a single wallet. As ordinary casual masturbation friends, it is best not to get involved with too many emotions. Receiving too many messages is not necessarily a good thing. We should focus on how to maximize our own interests. Just change it. After all, we have no power to influence the official decision.

The blast official has added a lot of gameplay in the second season of the event, mainly to encourage users to interact more with major dapps, including the points bonus function that will be launched soon, which is directly linked to users’ on-chain interaction behaviors, so we still remain calm. Come on, interact when it's time to interact. As for how to do it specifically, we have to wait until this bonus task is announced, and I personally guess blindly that the official will definitely give some compensation to old users in this bonus gameplay. For example, in terms of the bonus points base, the old users The user’s previous points should be counted. Of course, this is just my guess. Everything has to wait for the official announcement.

In fact, this point calculation method is still very helpful for attracting new users. If you missed the first season, it is not too late to join now, and the new point calculation method can also allow new users to earn enough Points, as for how much principal is required to join, the official also gave the answer. It does not require much capital, only your behavior is valued, and the weight of the amount will not be very high. If it is zero, there is still a chance. The liver chain game project is also a good choice to earn points, so for those who missed the first season, you can join in the second season. It will be airdropped in May, and there is still time to lay a solid foundation.

Get 300 pre-tokens for the first season:

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