#内容挖矿 #coti #BTC‬ #BNB $COTI

In this issue, I would like to share with you COTI, which is also the fifth 100x coin shared on Binance.

COTI原来是ADA的太子,偏支付板块,但是现在叙事改变了,变成以太2层,且主打给以太2层做隐私,有“Garbled Circuits.”乱码电路这个黑科技,引发了市场注意。这个币的叙事改变幅度很大,好比以前你脑海里认为他是卖肉的,结果1年没看,这人开始卖瓷器去了,变化特别大。

“Garbled Circuits.”应该可以翻译成混淆电路,V神以前发过文章讲过,专业术语很多,很难看懂。我简单科普的描述下,比如说有5个富豪,他们想知道谁最有钱,但是又不想公开说出自己的财富。怎么办。多方计算,混淆电路上场。5个富豪,不需要找第三方在场,他们对着电路输入自己的财富数字,别人看不到,然后电路计算出结果,这个结果又大家公认,既实现5个富豪的财富排序,又保护了隐私。比如5个人的财富是100 200 400 600 800,输入电路,输出的结果可能是1 4 6 7 10 12 。

COTI 这个方案 速度更快,储存更少,延迟更低。

COTI 核心团队有30多人,他们曾分别在 IBM(前研究主管)、Ripple(前 CRO)、Blackrock(前 CIO)、Investec bank(前首席执行官) 任职。该团队甚至还有来自以色列精锐陆军情报部门的密码专家,而其首席技术官Nir Haloani是以色列顶尖研究所的数学博士。(这可能是以色列最顶尖的团队之一了。)

Summary: COTI is the son of ADA. The team is from Israel like SSV. It was the first to make payments, and later made the second layer of Ethernet, actively confusing circuits. This is the first implementation of confusing circuits in the blockchain. From a technical point of view, it is not Lost to ZK, even better, belongs to the new direction of Ethereum 2 layer. At the same time, the market value of Ethernet Layer 2 is very high, and the market value of COTI is relatively small. The Cancun hype is about to begin. Because most people do not understand or misunderstand that it is for payment, COTI can easily become a dark horse in the Cancun sector. It took several times to attract the attention of many KOLs and understand its narrative changes. Therefore, the overall expectation for COTI is about 30 times.