[2024.3.2 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

It is estimated that there will be little volume during the weekend today, and the fluctuations will not be very big. The Ethereum pie is trading sideways at the top of the daily line. As long as the pie does not fall below 61870 today, it will still trade sideways on all sides in the 4 hours. Ether will pay attention to the position near 3410 today. If it does not fall below, In 4 hours, it is still bullish, and the big pie of ether is flying sideways and copycats are flying wildly. The contract party is flattered!

Today’s order ideas:

The market will have a 1-hour correction on the long side in the 2/4 hour. Today, pay attention to the 4-hour long and short price of 61870. If it falls below, the correction will begin in 4 hours. Go long and wait near the 60920-59820-57000 positions below. Today As long as we stand above the 61870 position, the market is still bullish, and the upper target is around the 62850-63570-64360 positions!

Ether's current 2/4-hour long and 1-hour correction. Today, pay attention to the 4-hour long and short price near 3410. If it falls below, the correction will begin in 4 hours. Go long and wait near the 3388-3345-3318 positions below. Today, as long as Stand firm above the 3310 position, the market is still bullish, and the upper target is around the 3470-3528-3565 positions!#hottopic#ETH#BTC