Today I reviewed the market in depth and compared the market of A-share and Pie. From the perspective of risk and profit and loss ratio, stocks are actually in a low range now. The Shanghai Composite Index has basically bottomed out. The first half of the year may be a stage of oscillating upward climbing. For Pie, the upper pressure is around 70,000 US dollars. When it reaches that level, many profit-taking orders will be temporarily closed, and then a deep correction will be ushered in. The wash will take several months, and the strong support below is around 48,000 US dollars, which means that the cost of starting the dog dealer from 38,000 in the second half of last year has become 10,000 points more expensive. Some institutions are more pessimistic. If the pin is added, I feel that the maximum correction will be around 42,000, but I feel that the probability is not high. Because Wall Street does not want retail investors to get on the train, especially the leeks in Asia. The correction smashed the golden pit, which is the last chance for everyone to get on the train during the halving cycle, but now every integer level has strong support, and there are huge buying orders below to take over. No one laughs at the President of El Salvador now. Practice has proved that he is a great believer and deserves to be famous and rich throughout the country. The second half of the year is the main uptrend of the real bull market. What you see now is just an appetizer. You can understand it as a double top, a small top in the first half of 2024 and a big top in the second half of 2025. Or it is equivalent to two bull markets. The several months in between are the minefields that really test people's technical level.

High-energy things we should do more in 2024: exercise, go to bed early, get up early, watch movies, music, sing, dance, write, travel, drink tea, smell incense, arrange flowers, sit quietly, read books, copy calligraphy, paint, copy scriptures, play the piano, burn incense, plant flowers, enjoy the moon, listen to the rain, watch the stars, bask in the sun, enjoy the snow, watch birds, watch fish, soak in hot springs, bathe feet, climb mountains, look far away, overlook, take a walk, row a boat, travel in the mountains, play in the water, get rid of the cold, avoid the summer heat, follow fate, forget worries, do good, exercise, read, walk, fitness, yoga, meditation, cooking, relaxation, bathing, psychology, chatting, photography, handicrafts, swimming, jokes, creation, love cats, let off steam, donate, collect books , rock, nap, relax, plant flowers, hum, script, hot spring, drink, run, comics, building blocks, recite poetry, picture album, pick fruit, hug, aromatherapy, eat candy, climb mountains, play ball, fishing, watch dramas, embroidery, flower viewing, climb walls, toys, camping, go to galleries, calligraphy, go to museums, pet cats, piano, make tea, abstract, hug trees, food, ice cream, graffiti, play the piano, online games, gardens, tomb sweeping, lighting lamps, play seek, foot bath, cooking, eating fish, archery, climbing trees, knocking on doors, taste, read poetry, dance, write letters, hug dogs, meditation, painting, love cats, performance, crafts, reading paintings, bird watching, meditation, pottery, massage, hug trees. Low-energy things we should do less: lying down and browsing the phone, staying up late, smoking, drinking, binge drinking, overeating, overwork, watching horror movies, reading negative news, looking at the phone for a long time, gossiping, blaming, complaining, selfishness, stinginess, losing temper, entanglement, procrastination, anxiety, jealousy, laziness, indifference, materialism, comparison, picky, ridicule, slander, insults, quarrels, short-sightedness, ignorance, complaining, provocation, shirking responsibility, pride, pessimism, laziness, escape, overconsumption, waste, indulge in games, vanity, meanness, lazy bed, inferiority complex, indulgence, laziness to study, breaking trust, breaking appointments, asking for favors, suspicion, speculation, indulgence, indecision, laziness, moodiness, clinging, saying one thing and thinking another, blaming others, extremism, impetuousness, greed, stubbornness, pessimism, overconfidence, demanding perfection, stealing, lack of ambition, aimlessness, dereliction of duty, and going with the flow.

Do you have a safety margin for investment? A moat barrier? My philosophy is that all eggs are not in one basket. Everyone is pessimistic about the stock market next door, and I was scolded like a horse. But I know there is a tiger in the mountain, but I go to the tiger mountain. Because now is the best time to implement Buffett's strategy of picking up cigarette butts. If you don't believe it, look at the Shanghai Composite Index in the middle of this year. Now may be the detonation point of the stock market. But I don't expect A shares to rise too high. I just consider the current stock market from a risk perspective. The chips entering the market are more cost-effective than the chips entering the currency circle. Maybe I always take an unconventional path and go against the thinking of most people. This is a professional trader's all-round vision of the target selection in the capital market. If you want to allocate a part of the blue-chip stocks, the AI ​​intelligent follow-up stock selection analysis software in the hands of the group leader is your moat. The annual fee of the stock selection artifact is only 4788. Of course, you can also buy a month to experience it first. Today, the trend of the big cake is still very healthy. We should not underestimate the power of spot ETFs. The daily trading volume of institutions is about 2 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to the annual turnover of two large direct sales companies. All this has just begun. Although we are far away from Wall Street and may not feel the changes there, we need to be forward-looking and have a full picture. It is almost certain that the price of Dabing will be 150,000 US dollars by the end of next year. Leader, I say that even Jesus can't stop it.

I plan to add another service to the contract shouting group, which is the low-level entry signal reminder for spot fixed investment. There is no guarantee that there will be a good opportunity to increase positions every month, but the rhythm is definitely synchronized with the dog dealer's position increase point. There is no way, I am so mysteriously confident. Sometimes I also think that I will never quit the circle, and the second half of my life will be fun for trading. Joining the community will help you advance step by step, and 100 oil per month will be cheap to your home. It depends on whether you can recognize Mount Tai. Finally, let me tell you a story. Playing blockchain is like marching and fighting. There are two generals competing. This is a true story. Whichever team loses will be beheaded by the whole army. The destination is Leiyin Temple. The strategy of the first army is to walk 20 kilometers every day, regardless of wind, rain, and road conditions. The strategy of the second army is to move forward desperately when the weather is fine and the road is smooth. If the weather is bad and the road is bumpy, walk less and rest. Do you know who won the true scriptures in the end? Yes, the captain is the philosophy of the former general. You can see that the road is long and the horse is strong by reading my diary and insisting on updating it every day. I can win, and I will always win. I never care about luck and metaphysics, or the Ding Yifeng master. In my opinion, they are all untenable. I am playing the currency circle marathon. Bull market and bear market are not important to me at all, because I am just a never-tiring web3 old ghost. Why don't you climb onto my invulnerable hard shell and take you across the Tongtian River...