Today’s Funds 1631 2024.2.28

I thought about it carefully yesterday. I put half of my funds into some spot stocks. These are not bad. Things are rare and expensive. I plan to buy some auctions in the future. I will stock up on them. I will keep half of the contract and 20 times the light position for 3-5 days. Get out of the car in time depending on the situation. I would rather go short and make less money than let go of the mistake. The other half opens a short position 10 times and does ultra-short term. Set a stop profit and stop loss and slowly compound interest to make money. You must implement it strategically and make money every night while the risk is controllable. It took me two hours to review the day's transactions and review my own order-making logic at that time. It was almost as fast as I spent 1,000 yuan last night. I opened a 20-fold contract for the remaining light position and planned to take a few days. The current spot is also profitable. 7 Every position is profitable Pepe said yesterday that because he was severely punished by WLD, Pepe ran away early, so he bought it at the bottom. If he didn't sell it yesterday and got it today, the capital would be less than 3000U. No wonder others don't know enough about themselves and can't make that kind of money at the moment. The price is too high and may rise, but I am not sure that I can stay at the bottom. There are risks. I don’t plan to get on the bus again. If I miss it, I will miss out and make money within my own knowledge. I have built some high-quality memes and ETHW at the bottom. The short-term potential is great and the long-term is not so good. I saw an interesting article about Snowball and ElevatorNo comment. Everyone is welcome to leave comments. I will read every post carefully. Learn from each other and improve your cognition. Staying awake is more important than anything else. 01 Come on.#pepe #meme #BTC