Levitating price

Imagine that you are investing in the construction of a global energy infrastructure that includes many innovative solutions that will subsequently be used in the development of other planets.

At some point this infrastructure fails, no matter for what reasons. You simply lose part of your assets that you didn’t even put into operation. The situation is such that your position is barely protected by one formality - your share represents only a financial interest - and that is under attack. All innovative technological solutions are so hidden from you that at any given moment you have no idea what your financial interest is working on and most likely may not even realize what happened. There are more hunters for your share than you can imagine, but the balance is so fragile and it would seem that he has not paved the way for himself in the only right direction in the form of sales in monetary terms on the market. If humanity inhabited thousands of planets, then probably the scale of such a catastrophe would not have had a strong impact, but when humanity inhabits only one planet and the intercontinental infrastructure fails, this is a serious blow for investors.

In such conditions, the market should offer a sketch or concept of a levitating price when everything that happens in the market will find an echo in the price only after a considerable time. I can’t even imagine how a levitating price could be implemented on the market - perhaps it will be high-speed trading turnover, or maybe quantum computing will come to the rescue. Maybe this is precisely why cryptocurrencies provide significant volatility, great variety and multidirectionality, in which case decentralized exchanges no longer seem nonsense.

Photo: BIXEL