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Blockchain project pitfalls to avoid: market value and FDV
Market value and fully diluted valuation FDV are important indicators for analyzing token projects. Understanding the relationship between the two and the size of the deviation between them can allow us to avoid the traps of some high-valuation projects that seem to have low market value.
1. What is market capitalization and FDV?
The circulating market value of crypto assets = token price * current circulating quantity of tokens.
Fully diluted valuation FDV = token price * total final issued amount of tokens.
It can be seen from the above definition:
Circulation market value<FDV;
FDV = circulating market value + uncirculated tokens * current currency price; uncirculated tokens include team and investor locked tokens, liquidity mining, ecological incentives and other tokens.
Market cap is a measure of public buying demand and reflects the total amount of public dollars the market has spent purchasing a token at the current coin price.
FDV is an indicator of future supply. It uses the current currency price to calculate the total amount of US dollars required after all future tokens are unlocked. In other words, FDV tokens determine how much funds will be exercised in the future, waiting to be sold to the market.
2. Deviation between market capitalization and FDV
There is a huge deviation between the circulating market value and the FDV. The FDV is dozens or even hundreds of times the circulating market value, and a large amount of funds have been exercised. When tokens begin to unlock, especially non-linear unlocking, it will bring huge selling pressure to the market. If there are not enough funds to undertake the selling of tokens in the short term, the token price will plummet.
If the early circulation market value of a certain token deviates too much from the FDV. After the tokens invested by the project team and seed-round private equity investors were later unlocked, a large number of tokens were sold, resulting in rivers of blood and wailing!
For example, defi tokens are basically an example of this.