Flowers were hidden under leaves once, and I stepped on snow several times in my dreams. Time passed by like water, and the shadows of the world danced. The back of time passed slowly, and the encounter was always a perfect encounter. God will strangle people by the throat, but he will not suffocate them. Courage is the key to unlock the limits of life and the opportunity for transformation. Facing the market, I was hurt once, scared twice, timid, and lost my momentum. How can I win the battle? When the price came in front of me, I hesitated like hot water. After repeated struggles, I rushed into an uncomfortable price. I was anxious before entering the market, afraid of the point, and nervous after entering the market. I was uneasy all day. The confidence of the strong comes from the strong heart, and the incompetence of the weak is defeated by the exaggerated appearance.

Market analysis:

The price of Ethereum has been like a dragon born since the beginning of the year. We can see in the market that after touching the 3,000 mark in the early stage, it has repeatedly tested the support point below, the Fibonacci retracement line of 61.8%. Repeated tests of the morning price also continued to break through last year’s commanding heights. The MACD bulls in the attached chart are in a state of continuous large-scale trading. The DIF line and the DEA line formed a dead cross and then turned upward. In the short term, Zhongda personally does not consider shorting for the time being, so we still maintain the idea of ​​taking more at low levels and taking more at pullbacks!

Idea: Retreat to around 3080-3100 in batches, retreat to cover positions, target around 3160-3200, risk control 3060

This article only represents Zhongda's personal opinion and is timely. Everyone entering the market should take good risk control and control their positions. The market is impermanent and you should learn to adapt to this impermanence. You should always keep a clear head and a peaceful attitude. A cool head and outstanding judgment are the foundation. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come. No matter how persistent the shock is, a break will always come.#ETH #BTC