DATA #BTC #bnb #data $DATA #ETH

Data is the oil and source of AI and DEPIN. Similar to the last bull market, THETA solved the problem of video cards and increased by 200 times, and RNDR rendering became the cornerstone of the metaverse and has increased by dozens of times. DATA personally believes that it is the dual hot spot of AI and DEPIN in the next bull market, with a potential of 50-100 times.

IOTX is the leader of DEPIN. Its own official Twitter says that DATA is the new oil, mainly because its card position is so good and it is the data front-end for AI, DEPIN, and video.

DATA is a decentralized network for real-time data, a bit like eMule. eMule is for distributed downloading of movie files, and DATA is for distributed transmission of data. What is distributed transmission? It's like a piece of data generated from a DEPIN device. If the data is a pie, the transmission can be easily stolen by others. However, if the pie is divided into several parts, starting from different paths, it is spliced ​​into data at the destination, and the data is intercepted in the middle. People see part of the data, but it’s actually useless. DATA is called DEPIN's LINK by foreigners. LINK connects various DEFIs and provides data. DATA connects various DEPIN devices and is a middleware. Looking at it this way, it is very promising.

DATA and OCEAN are both data sectors. What is the difference? My personal understanding is this. DATA was used to process and transmit real-time data in the early days. What OCEAN is more about is that the data has been confirmed, and the data is rented and sold in the data market. Belonging to the upstream and downstream of the data generation line, DATA is like helping to raise pigs, and OCEAN is like a butcher shop.

At present, you can see that all popular DEPIN projects are cooperating with it.

Live or real-time data refers to data that is actionable as soon as the data is collected. The value of almost all data for action or insight declines over time. For some data sets, this storage life is in extremely short intervals - milliseconds and seconds - requiring efficient pipelines to continuously deliver information in the shortest possible intervals (or latency).

This is a relatively new capability that already supports several industries: weather forecasting, transaction fraud detection, GPS traffic monitoring, shared services, mechanical systems monitoring, and e-commerce inventory management, all of which rely on near-instantaneous data to operate. .

Summary: DATA is an old project with a lot of volume at the bottom. The main reason is that the ecological position is too strong. It is stuck in the ecological key position of DEPIN and AI. The market value is not large, and it has a very large room for improvement. It is one of the few mixed DEPIN and AI tracks.